Powershell Script Multiple Default Gateway

Powershell Script Multiple Default Gateway

It looks as if the requirement to include a default gateway is not justified in vSphere 5. If you use the CreateCustomizationSpec method, you can easily skip entering the default gateway (and the subnetmask as well for that matter). This sample code produces a CustomizationSpec with 3 NICs included and without a default gateway. I am new to Powershell but am attempting to learn on the fly. I am tasked with creating a script that will prompt you for the Static IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and 2 dns servers. I have tried multiple different commands to set these variables. If I don't use Read-Host and enter the static addresses in the script itself, it works.

Powershell Script Multiple Default Gateway Drive


Remove Default Gateway With Powershell

This is because the local host's routing tables were modified, as suggested by another contributor, likely by command-prompt ' route add -p.' Statements or the PowerShell variants in ' New-NetRoute Set-NetRoute.' Any changes to the routing tables that are configured to persist will override or prohibit gateway changes/assignments by commands typically used to configure the gateway for interfaces.Hope that helps you understand how gateway settings are used by hosts.If you have any questions about what gateways are configured, use the ' Get-NetRoute' cmdlet or command-prompt ' route print' statements; they should output the same information.

If you see multipleroutes with a 'destination/netmask' pairing of you will have conflicting routing issues for routes with unknown next-hops, unless they are specifically bound to discrete interfaces with different network-subnet pairs.

Powershell Script Multiple Default Gateway